Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Uncle Jack

Today we had a session with"Uncle Jack", aka Jack Kujansuu, trainer extraordinaire.  We worked on the rail, getting Sarah to carry herself properly and consistently with good form.  This involves the rider setting the horse in the correct "frame" using cues from the seat, legs and hands.  Ideally, everything will come together with the cues from the seat and legs without much use of the hands.  This is how western horses can do all that they do on a loose rein.  Hands are used in the beginning to school the horse; as the horse learns, she will take the cues from the other aids first, with the hand cues being used last if needed at all.  With Sarah, in order for this to be an effective workout, we need to do it "quick-change" style, where many different moves are asked of her in random succession.  This keeps her work interesting and she cannot anticipate what will happen next, so she is always listening and ready for the next cue.
I always appreciate our sessions with Uncle Jack; it really helps to have another set of experienced eyes on us as we ride, so that we know exactly what we need to work on.  We worked on flexing properly at the poll in particular; also body flexibility and working off of the hindquarters, lifting through the withers when traveling clockwise and counter-clockwise in the arena.  She prefers to travel with her nose toward the rail, especially when moving clockwise in the arena, so normally we work extra hard on the right side for flexibility so that she is traveling correctly with a slight arc to the inside. Tonight, however, we spent a little more time going counter-clockwise; her clockwise work was quite good.
Our session did not last too long at all tonight; Sarah picked up on things right away and pretty much did all that was asked of her.  A new bed of shavings and cubes and a peppermint for Sarah, and off I went.  Until next time,

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